Dear Lucy – The Dashboard For B2B Sales

One-minute Setup. Really.


Supercharge your SalesForce, HubSpot or Pipedrive

On smartphone, tablet, desktop and TV

Dear Lucy – Sales Dashboard for B2B

Never miss a deal

Real-time insights and reports to boost your sales. 

Stay on top of your business is increasingly important. For you as a sales leader but equally important for everyone in your team.

Take out the guesswork from sales, monitor performance, forecast revenues and automate reporting so you can be sure you hit your numbers each month.

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The Dashboard For B2B Sales

With Dear Lucy you set goals, monitor progression and forecast revenues so you can be sure you make your numbers, even on a daily basis. Dear Lucy is very easy to implement and makes optimal use of your existing data in your CRM (HubSpot, PipeDrive, SalesForce).


Real-time Data

Dear Lucy integrates with popular software and updates hourly to provide you with real-time numbers of your business. No more guesswork.


Great User Experience

Dear Lucy was created for business leaders and teams who need a “one-click” access to real-time business numbers. Simple, fast and effective.

Dashboards for All Screens

Dear Lucy dashboards have been designed for sharing and the modern, responsive design means they work seamlessly on any screen size from smartphone to big TV screens.


Fastest Time-to-Money

Setting up Dear Lucy is not your average dashboard set-up where you need to spend hours defining and organizing your metrics and views. Our dashboards are up and running in a matter of minutes.


Dear Lucy fetches data from your CRM and calculates all core sales performance indicators in real-time. Interactive drill-downs show more details e.g. list of cases won this month. Live dashboards display sales goals and track progress against goals, all in one view. Live sales forecast is updated hourly based on the pipeline.


Dear Lucy automates sales reporting and save a lot of time as weekly and monthly reports are available automatically. Goals and performance are constantly available – all in one view. Live dashboards provide views for both managers and teammembers and function as a daily tool and meeting material for the salesteam.


Dear Lucy works on smartphones and tablets, giving a “one-click” access to real-time performance and sales forecast for salesteams, field-based-personnel and all those traveling frequently.


Share key sales numbers at the office to ensure everyone knows where things stand and can more effectively work together to achieve common goals.

Optum Nova and Dear Lucy

Optum Nova is a certified businesspartner of Dear Lucy


The dashboards are up-and-running in minutes. If you need more details, other KPI’s or have special requests for dashboards, reporting and finetuning for your specific situation we are happy to assist you.

Adding users and admins and provide training to both. Optimise the integration with your CRM system.

Adding or finetuning dashboards
The standard dashboards can be tailored and extended to show exactly those elements that are relevant to your organisation.

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We assist you in (further) defining your KPI’s and how to record them for reporting purposes. We also assist you with defining and recording your goals. KPI’s and goals can be implemented per usergroup and per individual user.

In General
With our experience in B2B Sales we work with you to implement and optimze your CRM, your salesprocesses and also with implementing a tighter integration of your sales and marketing departments to provide more synergy. 

Our Services

More information, a demo or and evaluation version?

Call +31 651 808 798, mail to or leave your details in the form below and we’ll contact you.


Our Service Packages

Prerequisites for the services are an active subscription for Dear Lucy and at least one succesful integration between source system (HubSpot, pipedrive, SalesForce) and Dear Lucy Dashboards (Standard and Full package).



per month

  • Setup & Launch Service
  • Introduction to all users (1-50)
  • Training Administrators (1-10) Light

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Year 1

  • STANDARD Plus:
  • Quarterly review of the Dear Lucy implementation
  • Review salesproces, KPI’s (Functional)
  • Support during office hours

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